Alan Malter
Associate Professor & Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Marketing
Building & Room:
UH 2511
601 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60607
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Related Sites:
- Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago, since 2007
- Associate Head, Department of Managerial Studies, UIC, 2015-2018
- Assistant Professor, University of Arizona, 2000-2007
- Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Maryland, 1999-2000
- Graduate Assistant, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1994-1999
- Consultant, The World Bank, East and Southern Africa Division, 1993-1995
Classes Taught
- Marketing Strategy
- Global Marketing
- Marketing Research and Analytics
- Consumer Psychology (PhD seminar)
Research Interests
- Changing role of marketing
- Geographic branding
- Organizational learning and innovation
- Tacit/embodied/process knowledge in decision-making
- Measurement issues
Selected Publications
- Schauerte, Ricarda, Stéphanie Feiereisen, and Alan J. Malter (2021), “What Does it Take to Survive in a Digital World? Resource-Based Theory and Strategic Change in the TV Industry,” Journal of Cultural Economics, 45 (2, June), 263-293. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10824-020-09389-x
- Malter, Alan J., Stacey Menzel Baker, and Subin Im, eds. (2021), The Human Side of Marketing in an Age of Digital Transformation, 2021 AMA Winter Academic Conference Proceedings, Volume 32, Chicago: American Marketing Association. ISBN-13: 978-0-87757-009-7
- Shen, Jie (Doreen), Alan J. Malter and Aric Rindfleisch (2020), “Transacting with Strangers in a Digital World,” Journal of Macromarketing, forthcoming. https://doi.org/10.1177/0276146720951629
- Malter, Alan J. and Aric Rindfleisch (2019), “Transitioning to a Digital World,” in Review of Marketing Research, 16, 1-11.
- Rindfleisch, Aric, Alan J. Malter and Gregory J. Fisher (2019), “Self-Manufacturing via 3D Printing: Implications for Retailing Thought and Practice,” in Review of Marketing Research, 16, 167-188.
- Rindfleisch, Aric and Alan J. Malter, eds. (2019), Marketing in a Digital World, Review of Marketing Research, volume 16, Bingley, UK: Emerald Publication.
- Malter, Alan J. and Pelin Bicen (2019), “Trust-based hybrid governance in Geographical Indication supply chains.” in Handbook of Research on Distribution Channels, eds. Rajiv Dant, Charles A. Ingene and James R. Brown, Elgar, 405-423.
- Bicen, Pelin and Alan J. Malter (2019), “The new institutional economics (NIE) approach to geographical indication (GI) supply chains: A case study from Turkey.” in Consumer Science and Strategic Marketing: Case Studies in Food Retailing and Distribution, eds. John Byrom and Dominic Medway, Elsevier, 105-118.
- Beuk, Frederik, Alan J. Malter, Jelena Spanjol and John Cocco (2014), “Financial Incentives and Salesperson Time Orientation in New Product Launch: A Longitudinal Study,” Journal of Product Innovation Management, doi: 10.1111/jpim.12157, 31 (4, July), 647-663. [Lead article]
- Reimann, Martin, Wilko Feye, Alan J. Malter, Josh Ackerman, Raquel Castano, Nitika Garg, Robert Kreuzbauer, Aparna A. Labroo, Angela Y. Lee, Maureen Morrin, Gergana Y. Nenkov, Jesper H. Nielsen, Maria Perez, Gratiana Pol, Jose Antonio Rosa, Carolyn Yoon, and Chen-Bo Zhong (2012), “Embodiment in Judgment and Choice”,Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, 5 (2), 104-123.
- Zhang, Haisu, Chengli Shu, Xu Jiang and Alan J. Malter (2010), “Managing Knowledge for Innovation: The Role of Cooperation, Competition, and Alliance Nationality”,Journal of International Marketing, 18 (December), 74-94.
- Houston, Mark B., S. Ratneshwar, Lisa Ricci and Alan J. Malter (2010), “Dynamic Strategic Goal Setting: Theory and Initial Evidence”, in Review of Marketing Research, Volume 7, Naresh K. Malhotra, ed. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing, 19-62.
- Rindfleisch, Aric, Alan J. Malter, Shankar Ganesan and Christine Moorman (2008), “Cross-Sectional Versus Longitudinal Survey Research: Concepts, Findings, and Guidelines,” Journal of Marketing Research, 45 (June), 261-279. [Lead article] [Finalist, 2012 William F. O’Dell Award, Journal of Marketing Research]
- Kreuzbauer, Robert and Alan J. Malter (2007), “Product Design Perception and Brand Categorization,” in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 34, eds. Gavan J. Fitzsimons and Vicki G. Morwitz, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 240-246
- Lusch, Robert F., Stephen L. Vargo and Alan J. Malter (2006), “Marketing as Service-Exchange: Taking a Leadership Role in Global Marketing Management,” Organizational Dynamics, 35 (3), 264-278.
- Rosa, Jose Antonio, Ellen C. Garbarino, and Alan J. Malter (2006), “Keeping the Body in Mind: The Influence of Body Esteem and Body Boundary Aberration on Consumer Beliefs and Purchase Intentions,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16 (1), 79-91.
- Ganesan, Shankar, Alan J. Malter, and Aric Rindfleisch (2005), “Does Distance Still Matter? Geographic Proximity and New Product Development,” Journal of Marketing, 69 (October), 44-60.
- Webster, Frederick E., Jr., Alan J. Malter, and Shankar Ganesan (2005), “The Decline and Dispersion of Marketing Competence,” MIT Sloan Management Review, 46 (4), 35-43.
- Kreuzbauer, Robert and Alan J. Malter (2005), “Embodied Cognition and New Product Design: Changing Product Form to Influence Brand Categorization,” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 22 (March), 165-176.
- Rosa, Jose Antonio and Alan J. Malter (2003), “E-(Embodied) Knowledge and E-Commerce: How Physiological Factors Affect On-line Sales of Experiential Products,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13 (1&2), 63-75.
- Webster, Frederick E., Jr., Alan J. Malter, and Shankar Ganesan (2003), “Can Marketing Regain Its Seat at the Table?” MSI Reports, Marketing Science Institute Working Paper Series, No. 03-113, 29-47. [2005 Robert D. Buzzell Best Paper Award, Marketing Science Institute]
- Malter, Alan J. and Peter R. Dickson (2001), “The Effect of Individual Learning on Competitive Decision-Making and Firm Performance,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 18 (1/2), 99-117.
- Malter, Alan J. (1996), “An Introduction to Embodied Cognition: Implications for Consumer Research,” in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 23, eds. Kim P. Corfman and John Lynch, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 272-276.
Professional Leadership
Co-Chair, 2021 American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference
Co-Editor, Review of Marketing Research, vol. 16 (2019), “Marketing in a Digital World” with Aric Rindfleisch
Member, Academic Council, American Marketing Association, 2012-2015
Notable Honors
2020, Faculty Fellow, Marketing Strategy Doctoral Consortium at University of Texas-Austin
2010, 2014, 2016, Faculty Fellow, AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium
2012, Finalist, William F. O’Dell Award, Journal of Marketing Research
2005, Robert D. Buzzell Best Paper Award, Marketing Science Institute
1998, Winner and Business Marketing Doctoral Fellow, ISBM (Penn State) Dissertation Proposal Competition
PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2000 (marketing)
MS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1988 (agricultural economics)
AB, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1985 (economics)
AB, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1985 (political science)
Research Currently in Progress
Malter, Alan J. (2021), “The Role of Marketing in the Restoration and Maintenance of Normality During Persistent Conflict"
Malter, Alan J. and Ying Wang, “Consumer Trust in Self-Driving Vehicles and Digital Technology”
Matsumoto, Kohei, Anna S. Cui, and Alan J. Malter (2021), "The Impact of Competitors' Product Recalls on Innovation: Learning and Competition Effects"
Shen, Jie (Doreen), Alan J. Malter and Aric Rindfleisch (2021), “The Mask as a Political Symbol: Marketplace Perceptions and Intentions of Conservatives vs. Liberals”
Lu, Xinxin, Donald H. Kluemper, and Alan J. Malter, “How Team Personality Presentation Predicts Team Performance Trajectory: A Social-Analytic Perspective”