Alexander Nekrasov
Associate Professor
Department of Accounting
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UH 2327
601 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60607
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Alex Nekrasov is an Associate Professor of Accounting at the University of Illinois Chicago. He has broad research interests, including financial analysts, capital markets, financial reporting, and labor. His research has been published in leading academic journals, such as The Accounting Review, Management Science, Review of Accounting Studies, and Contemporary Accounting Research. His research has also been featured in prominent media outlets like the Wall Street Journal, CFO Magazine, IR Magazine, Accounting Today, CPA Practice Advisor, and Value Walk. Alex earned his PhD from the University of Minnesota.
Selected Publications
Selected Publications
- “Consensus credit ratings: A view from banks” with B. Lourie, N. Ozel, and C. Zhu. Review of Accounting Studies, forthcoming.
- “Employee turnover and firm performance: Large-sample archival evidence” with Q. Li, B. Lourie, and T. Shevlin. Management Science, 2022.
- “Visuals and attention to earnings news on Twitter” with S. Teoh and S. Wu. Review of Accounting Studies, 2022.
- “Cater to Thy Client: Analyst Responsiveness to Institutional Investor Attention,” with P. Chiu, B. Lourie, and S. Teoh. Management Science, 2021.
- “Are Online Job Postings Informative to Investors?” with E. Gutierrez, B. Lourie, and T. Shevlin. Management Science, 2020.
- “Opportunity Knocks But Once: Delayed Disclosure of Financial Items in Earnings Announcements and Analyst and Investor Neglect of Earnings News,” with Y. Li and S. Teoh. Review of Accounting Studies, 2020.
- “Key Performance Indicators as Supplements to Earnings: Incremental informativeness, Demand Factors, Measurement Issues, and Properties of Their Forecasts” with D. Givoly, Y. Li, and B. Lourie. Review of Accounting Studies, 2019.
- “Valuation Implications of Unconditional Accounting Conservatism: Evidence from Analysts’ Target Prices,” with J. Kim, P. Shroff, and A. Simon. Contemporary Accounting Research, 2019, 36: 1669–1698.
- “Headline Salience, Managerial Opportunism, and Over- and Underreactions to Earnings,” with X. Huang and S. Teoh. The Accounting Review, 2018, 93: 231–255.
- “Using Earnings Forecasts to Simultaneously Estimate Firm-Specific Cost of Equity and Long-Term Growth,” with Maria Ogneva. Review of Accounting Studies, 2011, 16: 414–457.
- “Fundamentals-Based Risk Measurement in Valuation,” with Pervin Shroff. The Accounting Review, 2009, 84: 1983–2011.
Selected Working Papers
- “Do Earnings Announcements Affect Employee Spending? Evidence from Transaction Data” with B. Lourie, P. Truong, and C. Zhu.
- “Crypto fraud and investing behavior” with B. Lourie, P. Truong, and C. Zhu.
- “The Gender Position Gap and Firm Performance” with C. Liang, B. Lourie, and T. Shevlin.
- “Too much of a good thing? Administrative support, innovation, employee satisfaction, and firm performance” with C. Liang, B. Lourie, and S. Xia.
- “Late trade credit payments to meet cash flow forecasts” with D. Cohen, C. Liang, and B. Lourie.
Notable Honors
2022, Educator of the Year, The Accounting Club, University of Illinois Chicago
2014, Best Paper Award, CAPANA Research Conference
2014, Excellence in Teaching, Core, Full-Time MBA, University of California-Irvine
2010, Best Paper Award, Review of Accounting Studies conference
PhD in Accounting, University of Minnesota
PhD studies in Economics, University of Minnesota
MS in Physics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology