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Are you or your employer looking for intern or entry-level job candidates? If so, recruit with UIC Business. Learn more about how to communicate your employment opportunity with our students.
Serve as a Speaker

Speak about your UIC Business and/or career experiences or share industry expertise with audiences of students and/or alumni.
Case Competitions

Sponsor or Judge Case Competitions. Opportunities exist from September – April
Mentor Students

Serve as a mentor to UIC Business undergraduate students meeting in-person or virtually periodically throughout the year to share your UIC Business and/or career experiences, industry expertise, and guidance.
UIC Business Career Closet

Donate Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. in Douglass Hall. Contact: Rita Bieliauskas for more info.
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Alumni Leadership Academy Inductees Heading link
Alumni Leadership Academy Inductees
The Alumni Leadership Academy celebrates those who best exemplify UIC Business’s commitment to leadership, teaching, research and service. Inductions to the academy are held every year to honor outstanding UIC Business alumni whose contributions in these areas raise the stature and standing of the college.
- John Adams, BS Accounting, 1986
- Donald Bielinski, BS Accounting, 1971
- Jeffrey Bilek, BS Accounting, 1987
- Sidney Blum, BS Accounting, 1974
- Gila Bronner, BS Accounting, 1980
- Timothy Brunke, BS Finance, 1999
- Velma Butler, BS Accounting, 1972
- Olga Camargo, BS Marketing, 1996
- Najeemdeen Dayisa, MBA Business Administration, 2004
- William DeGenaro, BS Accounting, 1986
- Clark Delanois, BS Marketing, 1987
- Kevin Desouza, BS Accounting, 2000, PhD Management, 2006
- John Diamantis, MBA Administrative Science, 1981
- Richard Distasio, BS Accounting, 1976
- James Doti, BS Economics, 1968
- Isha Edwards, BS Management, 1995
- Antoinette Farley, MBA Business Administrative, 1982
- James Flanagan, BS Accounting, 1978
- Michael Fung, BS Accounting, 1973
- Marion Gajek, BS Accounting, 1974
- Rodrigo Garcia, MBA Business Administration, 2009
- Stanley Greanias, BS Management, 1972
- Al Grossman, Honorary Inductee
- Joseph Hartnett, BS Accounting, 1978
- David Henkes, BS Business Administration, 1996
- Donald Hermanek, BS Marketing, 1970
- The Honorable William Hibbler, BS Management, 1969
- Dr. Gerald Hills, 25 Years of Educational Excellence [Honorary]
- Robert Howard, BS Management, 1969
- Margaret Johnsson, BS Accounting, 1985
- Robert Kilinskis, BS Accounting, 1980
- Dennis Koci, BS Economics, 1970
- Thomas Kneir, BS Accounting, 1972
- Cary Kochman, BS Accounting, 1986
- Craig Levin, BS Accounting, 1970
- Linas Liubinskas, BS Marketing, 1986
- Mohammed Maali, BS Accounting, 1988
Inductees (continued)
- Timothy Martin, MBA Business Administrative, 1983
- Trevor Mathias, BS Marketing, 1996
- Gregory McKinney, BS Information and Decision Sciences, 1980
- Professor Emeritus Fred McLimore, Honorary Inductee
- Daniel McMillen, BS Economics, 1981
- William Merchantz, BS Information and Decision Sciences, 1979
- Eric Paul Meredith, BS Information and Decision Sciences, 1994
- Michael Moran , BA Accounting, 1967
- Vivek Mullick, MBA Business Administration, 2008
- Dennis Neumann, BS Management, 1972
- James Newman, BS Accounting, 1970
- Caralynn Nowinski, MBA Business Administration, 2007
- Jacqueline Owen, BS Finance, 1989
- Richard Pendleton, BS Management, 1969
- Susan Phelan, MBA Administrative Science, 1980
- James Pribel, BS Accounting, 1976
- Exavier Pope, Esq., BS Finance, BS Economics, 2000
- Vikki Pryor, MBA Business Administrative, 1989
- Raymond Roman, BS Finance, 1988
- José Santillan, BS Accounting, 1980
- Bradley Sargent, BS Accounting, 1999
- Anne Shaeffer, BS Finance, 2003
- John Scholl, BS Accounting, 1992
- Edward Schrank, BS Management, 2007, MBA Business Administration, 2009
- Kay Schwichtenberg, MBA Business Administrative, 1984
- Roger Shiffman, BS Marketing, 1975
- Joseph Slawek, BS Marketing, 1972
- Stephen Smart, BS Management, 1984
- Axel Strotbek, MBA Business Administration, 1991
- Evelina Tainer, BS Economics, 1979
- Michael Tulig, MBA Administrative Science, 1980
- Kevin Tynan, BS Marketing, 1970