Give to UIC Business

The continued excellence of UIC Business in higher education depends greatly on the generosity of alumni, parents and friends. From annual gifts that make an immediate impact to endowed gifts that leave a legacy for generations, contributions to UIC Business serve as motivation for positive transformation of a high quality business education.

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College Priorities Heading link

Dean's Fund for Advancement

Dean's Fund for Advancement

Every dollar given to the UIC Business Dean’s Fund for Advancement helps the College provide an outstanding education to our students and fulfill the current priorities of UIC Business.

UIC Business Scholarships

UIC Business Scholarships

UIC Business is committed to supporting a talented, well-rounded, hardworking and diverse student body throughout their undergraduate and graduate education. While students with financial need often receive assistance from government resources, it is almost never enough. Merit and need-based scholarships are essential in attracting and retaining UIC Business students.

The Business Emerging Leaders Academy (BELA)

BELA participants, students, faculty and staff

The Business Emerging Leaders Academy (BELA) is designed with a focus on understanding the student experience and addressing the need for a stronger sense of community within UIC Business. One of the program’s main goals is to create an environment where all students feel a sense of belonging, which supports their growth and success throughout their college journey.


The Institute for Leadership Excellence and Development (iLEAD)

The Institute for Leadership Excellence and Development (iLEAD) is a program unlike any in the nation. Focusing on undergraduates, it gives our students the “soft skills” they need to compete and succeed in the business world. This one-of-a-kind experience is exclusive to our students, and they are required to participate in it from their first days in class. iLEAD gives them a competitive edge before they begin their careers, by helping them hone their presentation skills and build their confidence. By supporting the iLEAD program you are helping our students accomplish a variety of skills (stronger communication, personal growth, teamwork, and professional presence) in both a conventional and unconventional manner.

Business Scholars

Business Scholars

UIC Business Scholars is a selective leadership development and scholarship program for top performing, highly motivated undergraduates. Working closely with faculty and business professionals, Business Scholars receive a solid foundation in business coupled with in-depth knowledge and technical skills to ensure they excel in the competitive world of international business.

Full Circle Scholarship Fund

Get to Graduation Fund

Your support of the UIC Business Full Circle Scholarship Fund will benefit the following groups:

UIC Full Circle Scholarship Program Recruitment Fund. This fund shall be held as both an endowed fund and a current use fund to support undergraduate recruitment scholarships within UIC Business.

UIC Full Circle Scholarship Program Student Services Fund The Fund shall support undergraduate scholarships within UIC Business. Recipients shall be in good academic standing and demonstrate financial need. Preference shall be given to students who are active members of the Association of Latino Professionals for America or the Black Students in Business.

Get to Graduation Endowed Fund In a given year, more than one hundred UIC Business students find themselves in an emergency financial situation that prevents them from graduating on schedule. The Get to Graduation Fund will provide grants to students who have exhausted their financial aid options and are within a semester or two of graduation.

Departments Heading link



The Department of Accounting is committed to quality in educational programming, research pursuits and community service.



The Department of Finance engages with Chicago finance professionals along with the latest academic research to provide an up-to-date, exciting environment for innovative educational programs that enhance the skills and careers of students.


Information and Decision Sciences

The Department of Information and Decision Sciences (IDS) is committed to educating the next generation of business leaders in the cutting-edge technologies and processes that increasingly define successful businesses.

Managerial Studies

Managerial Studies

The Department of Managerial Studies offers expertise in the areas of management, marketing, and entrepreneurship. Our teaching emphasizes hands-on experience, including working with real businesses on live projects.



The UIC Business marketing programs expose students to the latest research and theory in global and multicultural marketing, market research and analytics, advertising and promotion, and much more.

Real Estate

Real Estate

The Stuart Handler Department of Real Estate emphasizes development of the knowledge and skills required to conduct analysis of real estate decisions, along with a thorough understanding of real estate institutions and training in market and data analysis.

To make a gift to a fund not listed here, please visit the IGNITE Campaign page.

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Gift by Check Heading link

To make your gift by check, please mail it to our Chicago lockbox:

University of Illinois Foundation
P.O. Box 734500
Chicago, IL 60673-4500

Please note the UIC Business fund you wish to designate your gift. Your check will be processed by the University of Illinois Foundation. For questions, please contact Bryan Duby, Assistant Dean of Advancement, at or (773) 899-5325.