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UIC Business Student Life

Business Beyond the Classroom

At UIC Business, you’ll learn business concepts and skills both inside and outside the classroom. From our diverse community to our vibrant campus in downtown Chicago, we strive to be one of the best business colleges for student life. Activities for business students at UIC range from corporate visits to relay races. See the Cubs, Sox or Blackhawks play, connect with local companies or practice your leadership skills with improv — at UIC Business, there’s no shortage of ways to grow as a professional and have fun.

  • 27 Business Student Organizations

  • 52,000 Alumni Connections

  • Top 25 in Ethnic Diversity in the U.S.

A Day in the Life of a UIC Business Student Heading link

See what student life is like for UIC Business student Saskia Simorangkir.

UIC Students Compete in Second Annual Blaze Venture Challenge Heading link

UIC freshman Karolina Tomasik knew she had to make her pitch memorable to the Blaze Venture Challenge judges.

Standing at a podium in the Student Center East ballroom, the business major casually overturned a paper bag and sent dozens of plastic gift cards scattering over the stage. That, she told them, is what happens to many of the $1 billion worth of gift cards purchased in the United States yearly.

Tomasik’s idea, Creditz, landed her in first place, with a $5,000 prize. Creditz is a phone app that stores gift cards and allows users to send cards as gifts to others. It can even earn money by allowing the user to trade in unused portions of cards for points that can be used for other cards or be donated to charity, she said.

Tomasik’s pitch was one of eight the team of five judges — including UIC graduates and business leaders — were charged with evaluating as part of the second annual Blaze Venture Challenge. The “Shark Tank”-style competition kicked off UIC research week and was hosted by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Innovation. The competition is designed to foster entrepreneurship and was sponsored by Comcast, which gave $13,000 in prize money.

Read more on UIC Today

Why Is UIC One of Chicago’s Best Business Colleges for Student Life? Heading link

Along with an energetic atmosphere and plenty of activities for business students, UIC Business provides exceptional career preparation with student organizations, professional development programs and access to the local business community.

Business Student Organizations Heading link

Get involved in one (or more) of UIC Business’ 23 student organizations, which include options for all interests and backgrounds. Our student organizations help you gain leadership skills, access to professional development opportunities and connections with your peers.

Chicago is home to the American Marketing Association, and UIC Business is ranked among the top 25 chapters.

Our business student organizations include:

What is a Business Student Organization Like? Hear From UIC Business Students Heading link

Members of the Flames Consulting Group

“The most rewarding aspect of being involved in a student organization is that you will get the opportunity to interact with your peers who have similar aspirations and a chance to build professional relationships adding immense value to the learning experience.”

Adit Bhagat  |  Senior IDS/Finance Major

Annual Excellence Awards Ceremony Heading link

Student organization members
UIC Business held its inaugural Annual Excellence Awards Ceremony, featuring an evening of jazz-filled festivities to honor the remarkable achievements of business student organizations and leaders. Congratulations to our outstanding recipients, who were presented with engraved trophies and certificates, which will be showcased in the new trophy case situated in Douglas Hall.
  • Emerging Student Leader of the Year: Quinn Basta
  • Student Leader of the Year: Olamiji Fabamigbe
  • Student Organization Advisor of the Year: Kim Moon
  • New Student Organization of the Year: Black Students in Business
  • Student Organization of the Year: Accounting Club

Learning Opportunities at UIC Business Heading link

Engage in in-depth learning experiences with other business students and faculty members. Students already admitted to UIC Business should head to Business Connect for next steps and upcoming events.

The Business Learning Center

Meet, study and share ideas at the Business Learning Center, a space designed by and for business students. The Business Learning Center hosts monthly workshops and offers tutoring sessions for anyone who needs help with their classes. For more information, please contact Liz Sady, Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Student Services.

Living Learning Communities (LLC’s)

Get specialized attention and an enriched educational experience in Living and Learning Communities (LLC’s). Partnering business students experience a sense of community through programs, conversations and faculty interaction centered on core business skills.

Business Connnect

Get important academic, career and campus information at UIC Business Connect. As a supplement to your professors and advisers, UIC Business Connect is here to help you succeed with your academic goals, enhance your experience as a UIC Business student and help facilitate a successful future beyond your time on campus.

Meet the 2023 CME Group Foundation Scholars Heading link

Nine UIC Business students have been awarded the prestigious Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Group Foundation Scholars Program scholarship. This high-value scholarship supports the education of historically underserved groups who are majoring in finance, information technology, computer science, or applied mathematics. Each recipient will have the opportunity to attend a one-day market education program at CME Group in Chicago in August 2024.

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UIC Business Student Life: Other Ways to Get Involved Heading link

Business Ambassadors

Activate your leadership skills and serve as a representative for college-hosted events, such as open houses, onboarding, Commencement, IGNITE and other college-wide functions. As a Business Ambassador, you’ll serve as a leader and role model on campus who introduces students to campus life and represent the university as a positive, inclusive and dynamic learning and living environment. Ambassadors work both on and off campus to support activities and represent the University, often as the first point of contact for potential students, parents and other friends of the college.

For questions and more information about the Business Ambassador Program, please contact Joey Maman, lead academic advisor.


Hear from UIC Business alumni, a network of over 52,000 business professionals. The UIC Business Alumni Network holds yearly events where you can make the powerful connections you need to succeed in the business world. Donors also support our hard-working students through scholarship and mentorship opportunities.

Business Student Organization Spotlight Heading link

Slalom Consulting recently hosted the Flames Consulting Group at its Chicago headquarters. Fifteen students and Ginger Lacy, Associate Director – UIC Business Career Center, learned about the firm’s opportunities in technology, analytics, and business advisory consulting, toured the office, and networked with Slalom consultants.

Read more on the UIC Business Blog

In Their Own Words Heading link

Christian Zavala

“Through hard work and a lot of support from different people, specifically from UIC with all its resources, I was able to see the version of myself that I wanted to become,” he said. “It’s definitely made me a better person, and I’m excited to navigate the next chapter of my life.”

Christian Zavala  |  BS '23, Marketing and Finance Major