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UIC Business Full Circle Scholarship Fund

Your support of the UIC Business Full Circle Scholarship Fund will benefit the following groups:

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UIC Full Circle Scholarship Program Recruitment Fund

This fund shall be held as a current use fund to support undergraduate recruitment scholarships within UIC Business. Specifically this fund supports students who intend to become members of the Association of Latino Professionals for America or the Black Students in Business organizations.

UIC Full Circle Scholarship Program Student Services Fund

The Fund shall support undergraduate scholarships within UIC Business. Recipients shall be in good academic standing and demonstrate financial need. Preference shall be given to students who are active members of the Association of Latino Professionals for America or the Black Students in Business.

Get to Graduation Endowed Fund

In a given year, more than one hundred UIC Business students find themselves in an emergency financial situation that prevents them from graduating on schedule. The Get to Graduation Fund will provide grants to students who have exhausted their financial aid options and are within a semester or two of graduation.