Lan Nguyen Chaplin on Children in Market Mode
Lan Nguyen Chaplin on Children in Market Mode Heading link

UIC Associate Professor of Marketing Lan Nguyen Chaplin spoke with UIC News about her recent research publication in Psychological Science on the early signs of market-oriented behavior in children. The work of Chaplin and her co-authors focused on children ages 3 to 6, an age group that has been shown to distinguish money from other objects without fully understanding its economic value. Money was used along with buttons, paper circles, pieces of paper and candies to structure group activities in which children’s behavior could be observed in terms of “market mode” and “communal mode,” represented as opposite ends of a behavioral continuum. The results of Chaplin’s research have been covered by CBS Philadelphia, Glamour and other outlets. For more on Professor Chaplin’s marketing research, visit her faculty page.