Gebrüder Weiss Creates Supply Chain Leadership Scholarships For University Of Illinois Chicago Students
Gebrüder Weiss Creates Supply Chain Leadership Scholarships For University Of Illinois Chicago Students Heading link

Digital Journal reports that Gebrüder Weiss USA, a global freight forwarder with a core business of overland transport, air, and sea freight and logistics, has pledged $25,000 to the University of Illinois at Chicago to create the “Gebrüder Weiss Supply Chain Leadership Scholarship” in the Department of Information and Decision Sciences in the College of Business Administration.
UIC Business was selected to participate in the company’s new scholarship program for the quality of its academic and co-curricular preparation of students for the supply chain and logistics field. The program was developed in response to racial inequity in the field of logistics and to support educational opportunities for those with economic struggles.
Modified on December 17, 2020