Aris Ouksel
Department of Information and Decision Sciences
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601 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60607
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Aris M. Ouksel is currently professor at the Information and Decision Sciences (IDS) department at University of Illinois at Chicago and was founder, and then for several years, director of the CISORS (Cooperative Information Systems and Organization Research and Services) Lab and the Center for Management of Information Technology and Telecommunications. He received his M.Sc. in 1981 and the PhD degrees in computer science from Northwestern University in 1985. He was also, for several years, the Director of the Management Information Systems PhD program. Dr. Ouksel also held an appointment at the Computer Science department.
Aris Ouksel's research interests and contributions have been:
(i) information economics (dynamic pricing, competition, game theory. machine learning); (ii) organizational learning and performance; (iii) semantic interoperability and sentiment analysis and their application to forensics, security, and virtual inter-organizational information systems; (iv) mobile computing and wireless sensor networks; (iv) peer-to-peer data management: self-emergent and self-organizing data structures; (v) Cybersecurity.
He has been keynote speaker at several major international conferences on these topics. He holds US patents on sensor and mobile computing, and an innovation award from the US Department of Transportation for his work on ad-hoc Vehicle-to-Vehicle Networks. He was also for several years an associate editor at the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Databases (1999-2008) and the Knowledge Information Systems (2000-2005). He has been associate editor of the Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR) (2004-2010). Aris has been the recipient of numerous multi-million dollar grants from US federal, state, local agencies, and private enterprises on above topics.
Keywords: information economics, dynamic pricing, game theory, machine learning, sentiment analysis, cyber-physical systems.
Selected Grants
Partner University Fund, French Government, 2012-2015, “Cybersecurity Collaboratory: Cyberspace Threat Identification, Analysis and Proactive Response”, $804K (direct costs). Partners: University of Arizona and University of Lyon, France.
(PI), UIC-CBA, 2011-2013, “Cap-and-Trade Policies for Resource Management in Vehicular Networks and Other Applications”, $360K (direct costs)
(co-PI), NSF, "Context-Driven Management of Heterogeneous Sensor Networks in Hazardous, Surveillance, and Traffic Environments”, $1,895,595, 2009-2014.
(PI), NSF, "Resource Management amongst Autonomous Command Centers in Mobile Environments", $165,000, 2008-2010
(co-PI), NSF, “IGERT: Graduate Program in Computational Transportation Science”, $3,097,976, 2006-2011
(co-PI), NSF, “Context-Aware Computing with Applications to Public Health Management”, $2,000,000, 2003-2008
(sole PI), Ameritech, “IT Strategic Planning: Development of a situational business gaming model: the case of Ford, United Airlines, the Health care industry, and the Banking industry”, $110,000.00
(sole PI), Ameritech, “Development of a Situational Business Gaming Model. The cases of Ford Corporation, Blue Shield/Blue Cross, and Sears Corp.”, $60,400.00, 1996
(sole PI), CBA2000, “Development of a Certificate Program in Telecommunications”, $11,200.00, 1996
(co-PI), Campus Research Board and College of Medicine, ”Design and Implementation of Medical Decision and Clinical Information Systems”, $25,000.00, 1995
Selected Publications
Book Chapters
1. Ouksel, A. M., Lundquist, D., and Bhattacharya, S., “Smart Pricing and Market Formation in Hybrid Cellular-P2P Networks, ” Soumya Sen et al. (Eds), John Wiley & Sons, 2014.
2. Ouksel, A. M., “A Framework for a Scalable Agent Architecture of Cooperating Heterogeneous Knowledge Sources,” in Intelligent Information Agents: Agent-Based Information Discovery and Management on the Internet, Matthias Klusch Ed., Springer Verlag, 1999.
Refereed Journals
3. El Benany M., El Beqqali, O., A.M. Ouksel, “Big Data Interoperability for E-Governance,” Journal of Computer Science, accepted, to appear in 2020.
4. Ouksel, A. and Lundquist, D., “Reducing Redundant Data Transmissions in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: Comparing Aggregation and Filtering,” Wireless Networks, Vol. 21, no. 7, October 2015.
5. Ouksel, A. M., and L. Xiao, “Virtual In-Network Aggregators and Query Processors in Large Mobile Ad-Hoc Sensor Databases,” basis for US Patent US 2009/0055691 A1, 2011.
6. Ouksel, A. M., and F. Eruysal, “Loyalty Intelligence and Price Discrimination in a Duopoly,” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA), 10(5), 520-533, 2011.
7. DeSouza, K. C., T.H. Winston, and A. M. Ouksel, “Information technology, innovation and the war on terrorism,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 74, 2, pp 125-128, 2007.
8. Ouksel, A. M., and al. “Efficient Probabilistic Subsumption Checking for Content-based Publish/Subscribe Systems,” Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS): Middleware, Vol. 4290, pp. 121-140, 2006.
9. Ouksel, A. M., and A. Sheth, “Semantic Interoperability in Global Information Systems: An introduction to the research area,” SIGMOD Record, 28(1), pp. 5-12, 1999.
10. Ouksel, A. M., and A. Iqbal, “Ontologies are not the Panacea in Data Integration: A Flexible Coordinator for Context Construction,” Journal of Distributed and Parallel Databases (DAPD), 7(1), pp.7-35, 1999.
11. Mihavics, K., and A. M. Ouksel, “Learning to Align Organizational Design and Data,” Journal of Mathematics and Computational Organization Theory, 1:2, pp.143-155, 1996.
12. Ouksel, A. M., and D. Lundquist, “Cap and Trade Policies for Resource Management in Vehicular Networks and Other Applications,” 18th Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) World Congress, October 2011, Orlando, Florida. Winner of The U.S. DOT (Department Of Transportation) and Innovative Administration’s Connected Vehicle Technologies Challenge, ITS America’s “The Best of Intelligent Transportation Systems”, 2011
13. Lin, X., S. Musti, and A. M. Ouksel, “A Simulation System for Ad hoc Query-Ready Sensors,” Grace Hopper Conference, October 2007, Orlando, Florida. BEST PAPER AWARD.
14. Xu, B., A. M. Ouksel, and O. Wolfson, “Opportunistic Resource Exchange in Inter-vehicle Ad-hoc Networks,” International Conference on Mobile Data Management, pp. 1-12, 2004. BEST PAPER AWARD.
15. Ouksel, A. M., “The Interpolation-Based Grid File” Proc. 4th ACM SICACT-SIGMOD Symposium on Principles Of Data Base Systems (PODS), 20-27, 1985, Portland, Oregon.
Service to Community
- Associate Editor, International Journal of E-Business Research, Idea Group.(2003 - 2009)
- Associate Editor, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Syst, Kluwer Inc. (2000 - 2009)
- Associate Editor, International Journal of Internet Social Networks (IJISN) (2007 - present)
- Associate Editor, Journal of Knowledge and Info. Syst., Springer-Verlag. (1998 - 2003)
- Advisory Board Member, HICSS, Software Track. (2002 - 2004). My role is to help shape the content of the Software engineering track at HICSS. The board selects the various mini-tracks and is responsible for awarding the best paper award. This track is responsible for more than a dozen mini tracks in charge of a topic of research interest.
- Associate Editor: International Conference On Information Systems (ICIS). (2001)
- Editorial Board, INFORMS College of Artificial Intelligence, (1995)
Book and Journal Issue Editing
- Special issue Editor: International Journal of Information and Technology Management. Inderscience, 2015
- Special issue Editor: International Journal of Information and Communication Technology. Inderscience, 2015
- Lecture Notes: “Databases, Information Systems, and Peer-to-Peer Computing” Wee Siong Ng, Beng Chin Ooi, Aris Ouksel, Claudio Sartori. Springer, LNCS3367, 2004.
- Lecture Notes: “Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing” Gianluca Moro, Aris M. Ouksel, and Claudio Sartori. Springer LNCS2530, 2003.
- Special Issue of SIGMOD record on Semantic Interoperability in Global Information Systems. 1999. Aris Ouksel and Amit Sheth
- Special Issue of the Journal of Forecasting and Social Change, Elsevier 2006, with Kevin DeSouza on “Information Technology and Terrorism.
- Special Issue of the Journal of E-Business Research with Richard Potter, “Modern Models and Superior Strategies: Cases from the Cutting Edge of E-Business”, 2007.
- Lecture Notes: “Databases, Information Systems, and Peer-to-Peer Computing,” Gianluca M., S. Bergamaschi, S. Joseph, J-H. Morin, A. M. Ouksel, LCNS 4125, Springer 2007,
Professional Leadership
General Chair, IEEE International Conference on Information Technology (INTIS), November 2013
General Chair, 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), May 2013
Associate Editor, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Syst, Kluwer Inc. (2000 - 2009)
Associate Editor, Journal of Knowledge and Info. Syst., Springer-Verlag. (1998-2003)
Notable Honors
November 2013, Recognition and Appreciation Award for contributions made as General Chair, IEEE International Conference on Information Technology (INTIS)
May 2013, Recognition and Appreciation Award for contributions made as General Chair, 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA)
2011, Winner of The U.S. DOT (Department Of Transportation) and Innovative Administration’s Connected Vehicle Technologies Challenge, ITS America’s “The Best of Intelligent Transportation Systems”
2004, Best Paper Award for “Opportunistic Resource Exchange in Inter-vehicle Ad-hoc Networks”, International Conference on Mobile Data Management
2007, Best Paper Award for "A Simulation System for Ad hoc Query-Ready Sensors" (with Lin Xiao and Sudeepta Musti, supervised by Aris Ousel), Grace Hopper Conference
PhD, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. Computer Science. 1985
Ms, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. Computer Science. 1980
Engineer, University of Algiers, Algeria.
Selected Presentations
Lectures and Invited Talks
- “Big Data in two movements : Brand advertising in Social Networks, and Business Intelligence and Smart Pricing in Uncertain Competitive Environments,” at the CERIST, May 2016, Algiers, Algeria.
- “Big Data in two movements : Brand advertising in Social Networks, and Business Intelligence and Smart Pricing in Uncertain Competitive Environments,” at King Saud University, March 2015, Ryadh, Saudi Arabia.
- “Big Data in two movements : Brand advertising in Social Networks, and Business Intelligence and Smart Pricing in Uncertain Competitive Environments, INSA, Lyo, France, January, 2015
- “Collaborative Knowledge Management and Data Discovery : The Challenges and Opportunities Ahead,” at the International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems (CTS), Mai 18, 2009, Lombard, Illinois.
- “Ontologies: State of the Art and Research Challenges and Applications,” at the Institut des Sciences Appliquees (INSA), June 10 2009, Lyon, France..
- “Demand-Driven Publish/Subscribe in Mobile Environments,” at the Universite Claude Bernard –Lyon 1, June 11, 2007.
- "SCOPES: A Multi-Agent Architecture for Semantic Interoperability Amongst Autonomous and Heterogeneous Knowledge Sites," at the University Paris-Dauphine, June 1998, Paris, France.
- “UIC Educational and Consulting Support at UIC Center for Urban Business,” at the AT&T and Chicago Chamber of Commerce sponsored Workshop, and at Chicago State University, August 9, 1995, Chicago, Illinois.
- “Semantic Communication Protocols for Heterogeneous Database Systems,” at Kaiserslautern University, 1993, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
- “Query Processing Issues and Object-Oriented Databases,” at Northwestern University, April 1990, Evanston, Illinois.
- “An Anticipatory Scheme for Managing Concurrent database Operations in Interpolation-Based Grid Files,” at Kaiserslautern University, June 1990, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
- “Parallel Algorithms for the Optimization of Relational Queries” at Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), 1988, Colorado Springs and Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia, May 1988.
- “A Data Partition Scheme for the Parallel Execution of Relational Database Operations” at Northwestern University, 1986, Evanston, Illinois, and the Illinois Institute of Technology, 1986, Chicago, Illinois.
- “Partionnement Dynamique Preservant l’Ordre pour les Machines de Donnees” at the Institut de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA), January 1985, Rocquencourt, France.
- 2018: Keynote title: “Blockchain and Its Applications : beyond cryptocurrencies, the economic potential, ” at the CERIST (Centre de Recherche sur l’Informaiton Scientifique et Technique, March 27-April 3, 2018.
- 2017: Keynote title: “Internet of Things: A Data Science Perspective,” at the 2nd International Conference on Big Data, Cloud and Applications (BDCA’17), March 29-30, 2017.
- 2016: Keynote title: “Big Data: Research Challenges and Application, the 2016 International Conference on Big Data and Advanced Wireless Technologies, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, November, 2016.
- 2016: Keynote title: “Big Data in two movements: Brand advertising in Social Networks, and Business Intelligence and Smart Pricing in Uncertain Competitive Environment, ” the 2016 Mediterranean Congress of Telecommunications, CMT’2016, June 2016, Tetouan, Morocco.
- 2015: Keynote title: “Brand Advertising in Social Media,” at the International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision, March 2015, Fes, Morocco.
- 2015: Keynote title: “Cybersecurity : Current Practice and Research Challenges,” The 2nd International Conference on Cybercrime and Cybersecurity, Tetouan, Morocco, June 2015.
- 2013 : Keynote title: “Big Data and Analytics : Applications and Research Challenges, ” at the 3rd Edition On Innovation and News Trends in Information Systems (INTIS), November 2013, Tangiers, Morocco and the 5th workshop on Information technologies and communication (WOTIC), December 2013, Fes, Morocco.
- 2012: Keynote title: “Big Data: Challenges of Automated Information Factories,” at the International Conference on Web and Information Technologies, April 2012, Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria, and the IEEE WETICE Conference, June 2012, Toulouse, France.
- 2011: Keynote title: “Automated Information Factories,” at the International Conference Extraction and Management of Knowledge, November 2011, Tangiers, Morocco.
- 2010: Keynote title: “Collaborative Data Management and Data Discovery: Applications Challenges and Opportunities,” at the International Conference on Web and Information Technologies, June 16, 2010, Marrakech, Morocco.
- 2009: Keynote title: “Automated Information Factories: The 21st Information Industrial Revolution,” at the International Workshop on Multimedia Distributed Systems, December 2009, Passau, Germany and the IEEE International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems, November 29, 2009, Marrakech Morocco.
- 2009: Keynote title: "Ontologies: Créer de l’Ordre à partir du Chaos, Etat de l’Art Challenges," Colloque sur l’Optimization and Systemes d’Informations, May 24, 2009, Annaba, Algeria.
- 2009: Keynote Title: “Ontologies: State of the Art and Research Challenges and Applications,” The IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, April 22, 2009, Fes, Morocco.
- 2009: Keynote title: “What is “Intelligence Economique?” Colloquium sur l’Entreprise et ses Enjeux a l’ère du Numérique, February 2009, Tunis, Tunisia.
- 2008: Keynote title: "Business Intelligence: Essentials, Information Systems, and Economic Challenges,” at the IEEE International Conference on Information Systems and Economic Intelligence, February 2008, Tunis, Tunisia.
- 2007: Keynote title: "Ontologies: Créer de l’Ordre à partir du Chaos, Etat de l’Art Challenges," Journees Francophones sur les Ontologies, October 2007, Sousse, Tunisia.
- 2007: Keynote title: "Wireless Sensor Networks: Applications and Research Challenges,” at the European Wireless, 2007, Paris, France, at NOTERE, 2007, Marrakesh, Morrocco.
- 2006: Keynote title: "Emergent Semantics and Self-Organization in Inter-Organizational Workflows", at the Conference on Inter-organizational Workflows (AAMAS-CIOW), May 2006, Hakodate, Japan, and then at the University of Algiers, July 2006, Algiers, Algeria.
- 2006: Keynote title: “The Promise of Sensor Networks to Revolutionize our Environment: Applications and Research Challenges,” at the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services, June 28, 2006, Lyon, France, and at the European Wireless Conference in Paris, April 3, 2007.
- 2006: Keynote title: “Organizational Complexity: Co-emergence of Meaning, Context, Systems and Communities,” at the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems, December 2006, Hammamet, Tunisia.
- 2005: Keynote title: “Advances in Wireless and Mobile Technologies: Impacts and Technology Transfer” at the International Conference on Programming Systems-Algeria (ISPS). This was done in the presence of the Minister of Higher Education and the Rector of the University of Algiers.
- 1997: Keynote title: "Ontologies and Their Role in Data Integration on the Web," at the International Conference on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA), 1997, Kiel, Germany.
- 1994: Keynote title: “Managing Information on Global Basis” at the Chicago International Trade Conference 'Be Here Now'.
Research Currently in Progress
- Ouksel, 1 a.m., Tulabandhula, T., D. Lundquist, "Markets Effects of Assymetric Product Costs," CISORS, TechReport 1-2020, January 2020.
- Ouksel, 2 a.m., “Protocols for Efficient Automated Exchange under Information Manipulation and Non-Disclosure in Supply Chains,” CISORS TechReport 8-2011, June 2018.
- Ouksel, 3 a.m., “Cap-and-Trade Policies for Resource Management in Vehicular Networks and Other Applications,” Grant from the College Business Administration, UIC, June 2011, CISORS, TechReport 9-2011, August 2018.
Intellectual Property
- Patent Application “"Method And System for Managing a Network of Sensors,” (Aris M. Ouksel and Lin Xiao): November, 2010, US Patent No. 7,840,353.
- Patent Application, UIC-D100. Provisional. Title: "Serendipity Social Computing: Self-Organizing Information Dissemination and Discovery in Mobile Environments." (Inventors: Aris M. Ouksel and Doug Lundquist). Resubmitted.