Jeffrey R. Parker
Associate Professor & Coordinator of Doctoral Studies
Department of Marketing
Building & Room:
UH 2518
601 S Morgan St, Chicago, IL 60507
CV Link:
Jeff's research examines a spectrum of theoretical (e.g., causal reasoning and judgment, mental accounting, mental representations, and choice architecture) and substantive (e.g., food choices, brand attitudes, collaborative consumption, and responsibility judgments) topics. His work has been published in leading journals such as the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing Research, Psychological Science, and the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, among others, and has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, U.S. News & World Report, and Women's Health, to name a few. He is co-editor for Marketing Letters, a member of the editorial review boards for the International Journal of Research in Marketing and the Journal of Retailing, a co-founder and co-organizer for the annual invitational IDEA Conference, and the Marketing PhD Program Coordinator.
Selected Publications
- Paul, Iman, Jeffrey R. Parker, Sara Loughran Dommer (2023), “Role Integration Increases the Fungibility of Mentally-accounted Funds,” Journal of Marketing Research, 60 (2), 263-277.
- Li, Tianyi, Jeffrey R. Parker, and Joshua J. Clarkson (forthcoming), “Degree of Group Consensus Shapes Perceived Power Structures and Decision-Process Evaluations of Groups,” Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.
- Dommer, Sara Loughran and Jeffrey R. Parker (forthcoming), “Cued-Recall Asymmetries: The Case of Brand Names and Logos,” Marketing Letters.
- Parker, Jeffrey R., Iman Paul, Ryan Hamilton, Omar Rodriguez-Vila, and Sundar Bharadwaj (2021), “How Product Type and Organic Label Structure Combine to Influence Consumers’ Evaluations of Organic Foods,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 40 (3), 419-428.
- Larson, Jeffrey S., Ryan Hamilton, and Jeffrey R. Parker (2021), “Where You Shop Affects How You Choose: Retailer Price Image and the Importance of Enriched Versus Comparable Attributes,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 6 (1), 130-141.
- Wertenbroch, Klaus, Rom Y. Schrift, Joseph W. Alba, Alixandra Barasch, Amit Bhattacharjee, Markus Giesler, Joshua Knobe, Donald R. Lehmann, Sandra Matz, Gideon Nave, Jeffrey R. Parker, Stefano Puntoni, Yanmei Zheng, and Yonat Zwebner (2020), “Autonomy in Consumer Choice,” Marketing Letters, 31 (4), 429-439.
- Malter, Maayan S., Morris B. Holbrook, Barbara E. Kahn, Jeffrey R. Parker, and Donald R. Lehmann (2020), “The Past, Present, and Future of Consumer Research,” Marketing Letters, 31 (2-3), 137-149.
- Paul, Iman, Jeffrey R. Parker, and Sara Loughran Dommer (2020), “The Influence of Incidental Tokenism on Private Evaluations of Stereotype-Typifying Products,” Social Psychology Quarterly, 83 (1), 49-69.
- Parker, Jeffrey R., Iman Paul, and Nicholas Reinholtz (2020), “Perceived Momentum Influences Responsibility Judgments,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149 (3), 482-489.
- Parker, Jeffrey R., Nita Umashankar, and Martin G. Schleicher (2019), “How and Why the Collaborative Consumption of Food Leads to Overpurchasing, Overconsumption, and Waste,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 38 (2), 154-171.
- Parker, Jeffrey R. and Anthony R. Koschmann (2018), “Shelf Layout and Consumer Preferences,” in Handbook of Research on Retailing, ed. Katrijn Gielens and Els Gijsbrechts, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 251-272.
- Schrift, Rom Y., Jeffrey R. Parker, Gal Zauberman, and Shalena Srna (2018), “Multi-Stage Decision Processes: The Impact of Attribute-Order on How Consumers Mentally Represent Their Choice,” Journal of Consumer Research, 44 (6), 1307-1324.
- Parker, Jeffrey R., Donald R. Lehmann, Kevin Lane Keller, and Martin G. Schleicher (2018), “Building a Multi-Category Brand: When Should Distant Brand Extensions Be Introduced?” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46 (2), 300-316.
- Lehmann, Donald R. and Jeffrey R. Parker (2017), “Disadoption,” AMS Review, 7 (1), 36-51.
- Parker, Jeffrey R., Donald R. Lehmann, and Yi Xie (2016), “Decision Comfort,” Journal of Consumer Research, 43 (1), 113-133.
- Umashankar, Nita, Raji Srinivasan, and Jeffrey R. Parker (2016), “Cross-buying After Product Failure Recovery? Depends on How You Feel About It,” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 24 (1), 1-22.
- Reinholtz, Nicholas, Daniel M. Bartels, and Jeffrey R. Parker (2015), “On the Mental Accounting of Restricted-Use Funds: How Gift Cards Change What People Purchase,” Journal of Consumer Research, 42 (4), 596-614.
- Schrift, Rom Y. and Jeffrey R. Parker (2014), “Staying the Course: The Option of Doing Nothing and Its Impact on Postchoice Persistence,” Psychological Science, 25 (3), 772-780.
- Parker, Jeffrey R. and Donald R. Lehmann (2014), “How and When Grouping Low-Calorie Options Reduces the Benefits of Providing Dish-Specific Calorie Information,” Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (1), 213-235.
- Parker, Jeffrey R. and Donald R. Lehmann (2011), “When Shelf-Based Scarcity Impacts Consumer Preferences,” Journal of Retailing, 87 (2), 142-155.
- Parker, Jeffrey R. and Rom Y. Schrift (2011), “Rejectable Choice Sets: How Seemingly Irrelevant No-Choice Options Affect Consumer Decision Processes,” Journal of Marketing Research, 48 (5), 840-854.
Professional Leadership
Co-Editor, Marketing Letters, 2024 - present
Associate Editor, Journal of Consumer Research, 2022 - 2023
Co-founder, Co-chair, IDEA Conference, 2015 - Present
Editorial review board member, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2015 - Present
Ph.D., Marketing, May 2011, Columbia University, New York, NY
M. Phil., Marketing, October 2008, Columbia University, New York, NY
B.S., Business Administration, December 2002, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO