Photo of Puranik, Harshad

Harshad Puranik

Assistant Professor

Department of Managerial Studies


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UH 2215


601 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60607

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(312) 413-8237

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Harshad Puranik

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Harshad Puranik is an Assistant Professor in the department of Managerial Studies. Before joining UIC, he completed his Ph.D. in Business Administration (Management) from University of Cincinnati. Harshad's research focuses on how work interruptions, workplace emotions, and different types of employee interactions can impact employee relationships and wellbeing. His research has been published in top management journals including Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management and Journal of Organizational Behavior. His research has also been featured in various prominent media and online outlets such as Forbes, Wall Street Journal, World Economic Forum, Sydney Morning Herald, Cincinnati Public Radio, London School of Economics Review, Global News Radio Toronto, etc. Currently, he serves on the Editorial Board of two top-tier academic journal - Journal of Management and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (OBHDP). In terms of teaching, Harshad teaches the Organizational Theory course at the undergraduate level, and also the Advanced Research Methods seminar at the doctoral level. Harshad is also the coordinator for UIC's partnership with – which is an online forum offering various on-demand statistics and data science seminars.

Selected Publications

( + denotes equal authorship; * denotes current or former doctoral student)

Keeler, K.+, Puranik, H.+, Wang, Y.*, & Yin, J.* (Forthcoming) In sync or out of tune? The effects of workplace music misfit on employees. Journal of Applied Psychology.

Holtz, B., Harold, C., Puranik, H., Gardner, K. (Forthcoming) Don’t waste my time! The development and validation of the wasted time perceptions scale. Journal of Management. DOI: 10.1177/01492063241258726

Puranik, H.+, Vough, H. C.+, & Pathki, C. S.* (2021) Oops, I did it (again)! The emotional experience, interpersonal responses, and relational consequences of social gaffes in the workplace. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42, 1261-1281. (Special Issue on “Affect in Interpersonal Work Relationships”). DOI: 10.1002/job.2546

Puranik, H., Koopman, J., & Vough, H. C. (2021) Excuse me, do you have a minute? An exploration of the dark- and bright-side effects of daily work interruptions for employee well-being. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106, 1867-1884. DOI: 10.1037/apl0000875

Puranik, H., Koopman, J., & Vough H. C. (2020) Pardon the interruption: An integrative review and future research agenda for research on work interruptions. Journal of Management, 6, 806–842. (Review Issue). DOI: 10.1177/0149206319887428

Koopman, J., Rosen, C. C., Gabriel, A. S., Puranik, H., Johnson, R. E., & Ferris, D. L. (2020) Why and for whom does the pressure to help hurt others? Emotional and cognitive mechanisms linking helping pressure to workplace deviance. Personnel Psychology, 73, 333–362. DOI: 10.1111/peps.12354

Puranik, H., Koopman, J., Vough, H. C., & Gamache, D. L. (2019) They want what I’ve got (I think): The causes and consequences of attributing coworker behavior to envy. Academy of Management Review, 44, 424-449. DOI: 10.5465/amr.2016.0191

Caza, B. B. +, Vough, H. C.+, & Puranik, H. (2018) Identity work in organizations and occupations: Definitions, theories, and pathways forward. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39, 889-910. DOI: 10.1002/job.2318

Notable Honors

2018 - 2019, Graduate School Dean's Research Fellowship, University of Cincinnati

2017 - 2018, Outstanding Doctoral Student Research Award, Lindner College of Business, University of Cincinnati

2017 - 2018, Excellence in Teaching Award for Graduate Students, Lindner College of Business, University of Cincinnati


PhD in Business Administration and Management, University of Cincinnati (2019)
Master of Management Studies (Human Resources), Mumbai University, India (2012)
Bachelor of Engineering, Pune University, India (2008)

Professional Memberships

  • Academy of Management
  • Southern Management Association

Selected Presentations

  • Keeler, K. & Puranik, H. (2021) "Consequences of a (mis)fit between employee music preferences and daily workplace music." Eighty First Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. (Symposium on Contextual Factors in Employee Interactions).
  • Puranik, H., Keeler, K., & Xu, H. (2021) "Being envied is not enviable! A study of the daily experience of being envied in the workplace." Eighty First Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
  • Puranik, H., Vough, H. C., & Pathki, C. S. (2020) "Oops I did it (again)! Social gaffes in the workplace and their emotional, behavioral, and relational outcomes." Annual Meeting of the Southern Management Association.
  • Puranik, H. & Koopman, J. (2020) "Pardon the Interruption: A study of the dark- and bright-side effects of daily work intrusions." Eightieth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
  • Christensen-Salem, A. L., Perrmann-Graham, J., Kinicki, A. J., Puranik, H. (2019) "Positivity in the executive suite: CEO performance management behaviors and flourishing climate." Accepted for presentation at Seventy Eighth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston.
  • Puranik H., & Vough, H. C. (2018) "Social Gaffes: Awkward interpersonal encounters at work and their interpersonal repercussions." Seventy Eighth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago.
  • Christensen-Salem, A. L., Puranik, H., Kinicki, A. J., Perrmann-Graham, J. (2018) "CEO performance management and TMT climate: Pathway to TMT and firm outcomes." Seventy Eighth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago.
  • Koopman, J., Johnson, R. E., Gabriel, A. S., & Puranik, H. (2018) "When employees break bad: Examining the dark side of citizenship behaviors at work." Seventy Eighth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago.
  • Puranik, H., Vough, H. C., & Koopman, J. (2016) "They want what I’ve got: The role of self-esteem and attribution in determining responses to being envied." Seventy Sixth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Los Angeles.
  • Puranik, H., Koopman, J., Vough, H. C., & Gamache, D. L. (2016) "On facing coworker envy: Importance of self-esteem and attribution in shaping responses to coworker envy." Southern Management Association, Charlotte.
  • Vough, H. C., Hollensbe, E. C., & Puranik, H. (2015) "Navigating necessary evils: Identity and image influences on manager decision making, guilt and outcomes." Seventy fifth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver. (Showcase Symposium on Emotion and Identity)