Stanley Sclove
Department of Information and Decision Sciences
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UH 2418
601 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60607
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- UIC faculty member since 1972, 1972-1982 in Math Department, since 1982 in IDS
Classes Taught
- Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis
- Time Series Analysis
Selected Publications
Articles Published
- Stanley L. Sclove, Gordon Simons and John Van Ryzin, “Further remarks on the expectation of the reciprocal of a positive random variable.” The American Statistician 21, No. 4 (Oct., 1967), 33-34.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Improved estimators for coefficients in linear regression.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 63 (1968), 596-606.
- Stanley L. Sclove and John Van Ryzin. Estimating the parameters of a convolution,” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B31 (1969), 181-191.
- Stanley L. Sclove and John Van Ryzin. “Estimating the parameters of a linear function of a random variable.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B32 (1970), 362-368.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Admissibility of the maximum likelihood estimator in the regression of two predictands on one stochastic predictor.” Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 22 (1970), 171-174.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Some remarks on normal multivariate regression.” Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 22 (1970) 319-326.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Improved estimation of parameters in multivariate regression.” Sankhya A33 (1971), 61-66.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “On missing value estimation in experimental design models.” The American Statistician 26, No. 2 (Apr., 1972), 25-26.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Y vs. X or log Y vs. X?” Technometrics 14 (1972), 391-403.
- Stanley L. Sclove, Carl Morris and R. Radhakrishnan. “Non-optimality of preliminary-test estimators for the mean of a multivariate normal distribution.” Annals of Mathematical Statistics 43 (1972), 1481-1490.
- Shyam Johari and Stanley L. Sclove. “Partitioning a distribution.” Communications in Statistics A5 (1976), 133-147.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Population mixture models and clustering algorithms.” Communications in Statistics A6 (1977), 417-434.
- James W. Osterburg, T. Parthasarathy, T.E.S. Raghavan and Stanley L. Sclove. “Development of a mathematical formula for the calculation of fingerprint probabilities based on individual characteristics.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 72 (1977), 772-778.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Testing independence of variates in an infinitely divisible random vector.” Journal of Multivariate Analysis 8 (1978), 479-485.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “The occurrence of fingerprint characteristics as a two-dimensional process.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 74 (1979), 588-595.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “The occurrence of fingerprint characteristics as a two-dimensional Poisson process.” Communications in Statistics A9 (1980), 675-695.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Pattern recognition in image processing using interpixel correlation.” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 3 (1981), 206-208
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Some recent statistical results for infinitely divisible distributions.” In C. Taillie, G.P. Patil, and B.A. Baldessari (eds.), Statistical Distributions in Scientific Work, Vol. 4: Models, Structures and Characterizations (NATO Advanced Study Institutes Series C, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Vol. 79). D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, Holland, 1981, 267-280.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Modeling the distribution of fingerprint characteristics.” In C. Taillie, G.P. Patil, and B.A. Baldessari (eds.), Statistical Distributions in Scientific Work 6: Applications in Physical, Social and Life Sciences (NATO Advanced Study Institutes Series C, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Vol. 79). D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, Holland, 1981, 111-130.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Some aspects of inference for multivariate infinitely divisible distributions.” Statistics & Decisions 1 (1983) 305-321
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Time-series segmentation: a model and a method.” Information Sciences 29 (1983), 7-25
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Application of the conditional population-mixture model to image segmentation,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 5 (1983), 428-433.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “On segmentation of time series.” In Studies in Econometrics, Time Series, and Multivariate Statistics (S. Karlin, T. Amemiya, and L. Goodman, eds.), Academic Press, 1983, pp. 311-330.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “On segmentation of time series and images in the signal detection and remote sensing contexts.” Statistical Signal Processing (Edw. J. Wegman and James G. Smith, eds.), Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1984, pp. 421-434.
- Hamparsum Bozdogan and Stanley L. Sclove. “Multi-sample cluster analysis using Akaike’s information criterion,” Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 36 (1984), 163-180.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Pattern recognition.” In Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences 6 (S. Kotz and N. Johnson, eds.), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1985, pp. 642-647.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Application of model-selection criteria to some problems in multivariate analysis.” Psychometrika 52 (1987), 333-343.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Metric considerations in clustering: Implications for algorithms.” In Multivariate Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis (H. Bozdogan and A.K. Gupta, eds.). D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland, 1987, pp. 163-186.
- A.A. Podowski, S. L. Sclove, A. Pilipowicz and M.A.Q. Khan. “Biotransformation and disposition of Hexa¬chlorocyclopentadiene in fish.” Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 20 (1991), 488-496.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Some aspects of model-selection criteria.” Proceedings of the 1st U.S./Japan Conference on the Frontiers of Statistical Modeling An Informational Approach 2 (Multivariate Statistical Modeling), 37-67. H. Bozdogan (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 1993.
- Hamparsum Bozdogan, Stanley L. Sclove and Arjun K. Gupta. “AIC-replacements for some multivariate tests of homogeneity with applications in multisample clustering and variable selection.” Proceedings of the 1st U.S./Japan Conference on the Frontiers of Statistical Modeling: An Informational Approach 2 (Multivariate Statistical Modeling), pp. 199-232. H. Bozdogan (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 1993.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Small-sample and large-sample statistical model-selection criteria.” Selecting Models from Data: Artificial Intelligence and Statistics IV (Springer Lecture Notes in Statistics No. 89), pp. 31-39. P. Cheeseman and R.W. Oldford (eds.), Springer Verlag, New York, 1994.
- Simon Sherman, Stanley Sclove, Leonid Kirnarsky, Igor Tomchin and Oleg Shats. “Improvement in the accuracy of protein local structure determination from NMR data.” Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM — Theory and Modeling in Chemistry, 368 (1996) 153-161.
- Stanley L. Sclove and Simon A. Sherman. “A priori and a posteriori mixture distributions for using databases in protein structure determination.” Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM — Theory and Modeling in Chemistry, 419 (1997) 245-255.
- Simon Sherman, Stanley L. Sclove, Oleg Shats, and Leonid Kirnarsky. “Dihedral probability cluster Monte Carlo procedure for conformational analysis of proteins.” Internet Journal of Chemistry, 1, Article 22, 8 pp.
- Lon-Mu Liu, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, Stanley L. Sclove, Rong Chen, William J. Lattyak. “Data mining on time series: an illustration using fast-food restaurant franchise data.” Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 37 (2001) 455-476.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Assessing accuracy and precision of a medical lab machine by means of cluster analysis.” Journal of Classification 19 (2002), No. 2, 197-214.
- Vikas Grover, Rebecca B. Lipton, and Stanley L. Sclove. “Seasonality of month of birth among African American children with diabetes mellitus in the city of Chicago.” Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism 17 (2004), 289-296.
- Robert D. Gibbons, Nicole A. Lazar, Dulal K. Bhaumik, Stanley L. Sclove, Hua Yun Chen, Keith R. Thulborn, John A. Sweeney, Kwan Hur, Dave Patterson. “Estimation and classification of fMRI hemodynamic response patterns.” NeuroImage 22 (2004), 804-814.
- Stevan Weine, Suzanne Feetham, Yasmina Kulauzovic, Alma Lezic, Sanela Besic, Aida Mujagic, Jasmina Muzurovic, Dzemila Spahovic, John Rolland, Stanley Sclove, Ivan Pavkovic. “A mixed-methods study of refugee families engaging in multi-family groups.” Family Relations, Vol. 54, Issue 4, Oct 2005, 558-568.
- S. L. Sclove. Path analysis. In N. J. Salkind (ed.), Encyclopedia of Measurement and Statistics (Vol. 2, pp. 745-¬748). Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA, 2007.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Cluster Analysis.” International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd ed. William A. Darity (ed.). Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA (Gale / Thomson), 2008.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Principal Components.” International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd ed. William A. Darity (ed.). Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA (Gale / Thomson), 2008.
- S. L. Sclove. “F test.” In N. J. Salkind (ed.), Encyclopedia of Research Design. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA, 2010.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Statistical Precursors to the ‘New’ Predictive Analytics.” Journal of Mathematics and System Science, Vol. 7, No. 8 (August, 2017). David Publishing Co. DOI:10.17265/2159-5291/2017.08.002
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Levels of Granularity: from Histograms to Clusters to Predictive Distributions.” Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications. Atlantis Press. 17, No. 2 (June, 2018), 307-323
- Stanley Sclove. “t for Two” (Clusters). Journal of Classification. Vol. 36, No. 3, Oct., 2019, 435-441. DOI 10.1007/s00357-019-09335-3
Work in Progress
- Stanley L. Sclove. “‘Cosquariance’: Measures of Correlation for Infinitely Divisible Time Series, with Application to Financial Investments Analysis.”
Articles in Unrefereed Proceedings
- Stanley L. Sclove. “On segmentation of signals, time series, and images.” Proceedings of the Thirtieth Conference on the Design of Experiments in Army Research, Development and Testing, U.S. Army Research Office, Research Triangle Park, NC, 1985, pp. 267-290.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Statistical models and methods for cluster analysis and segmentation.” Proceedings of the Thirty-First Conference on the Design of Experiments in Army Research, Development and Testing, U.S. Army Research Office, Research Triangle Park, NC, 1986, pp. 29-38.
- Stanley L. Sclove and Simon A. Sherman. “Cluster analysis of dihedral angles of amino acid residues in proteins.” Pages 399-404 in 1994 Proceedings of the Biopharmaceutical Section of the American Statistical Association. American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA, 1995.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Markov models for economic time series, with application to GDP.” 2004 Proceedings of the Business and Economics Section of the American Statistical Association. American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA, 2005.
- Stanley L. Sclove. “Economic Phases via Velocity and Acceleration of GDP.” 2005 Proceedings of the Business and Economics Section of the American Statistical Association, 926-932. American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA, 2005.
- Stanley L. Sclove. Bernie Harris’ Contributions to Cluster Analysis. 2011 “Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings.” 3419-3423. American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA, 2011.
- Stanley L. Sclove and Fangfang Wang. ANOVA-Based “Tests for Stable Seasonal Pattern, with Application to Forecasting Economic Data.” 2014 Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings. American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA, 2014.
Unpublished Technical Reports and Working Papers
- Stanley L. Sclove (1969). “On criteria for choosing a regression equation for prediction.” Technical Report No. 28, Department of Statistics, Carnegie-Mellon University.
- Stanley L. Sclove (1992). “CLUSPAC: Computer Programs for Mixture-Model Cluster Analysis.” CRIM Working Paper No. 92-1, January, 1992. Center for Research in Information Management, College of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Chicago.
- Stanley L. Sclove (1992). “Mixture-Model Clustering Analysis.” CRIM Working Paper No. 92-2, March, 1992. (Revision of CRIM Working Paper 91-8, December, 1991.) Center for Research in Information Management, College of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Chicago.
- Stanley L. Sclove (2008). “A Derivation of the Logistic Regression Model from the Model for Gaussian Discriminant Analysis.” Research Memorandum, Department of Information & Decision Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago. 2007: Dec. 15, rev. 2008: Jan. 22.
- Sclove, Stanley L. “The Variance of a Product.” Working Paper No. SLS-2009-1, March, 2009. Department of Information & Decision Sciences, College of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Chicago.
- Sclove, Stanley L. “A Review of Statistical Model-Selection Criteria for Multiple Linear Regression.” Research Memorandum, Technical Report No. SLS-2009-2, 2009: Dec. 5, rev. 2011: May 30. Department of Information & Decision Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago.
Book Reviews
- Stanley L. Sclove (reviewer). “Modern Methods for Statistical Analysis by Pazer and Swanson.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 68 (1973) 499
- Stanley L. Sclove (reviewer). “Fundamentals of Mathematics and Statistics for Students of Chemistry and Allied Subjects,” by Brookes, Betteley, and Loxston. Technometrics 23 (1981), 111.
- Stanley L. Sclove (reviewer). “Mathematical Statistics,” 3rd ed., by Freund and Walpole. Technometrics 23 (1981), 112.
- T. W. Anderson and Stanley L. Sclove. Introductory Statistical Analysis. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1974.
- T. W. Anderson and Stanley L. Sclove. An Introduction to the Statistical Analysis of Data. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1978.
- T. W. Anderson and Stanley L. Sclove. An Introduction to the Statistical Analysis of Data. 2nd ed. Scientific Press, Palo Alto, 1986.
- David S. Moore, George P. McCabe, Wm. M. Duckworth, and Stanley L. Sclove. The Practice of Business Statistics: Making Decisions from Data. W. H. Freeman, New York, 2003.
- Stanley L. Sclove. A Course on Statistics for Finance. CR W. CRC Press (Chapman & Hall / Taylor & Francis), Boca Raton, FL, 2013.
PhD, Columbia University, Mathematical Statistics, 1967
A.B. (Cum Laude), Dartmouth College, Applied Honors Mathematics, 1962
Professional Memberships
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Association of University Professors
American Mathematical Society
American Statistical Association. Risk Analysis Section: Council of Sections Rep. in 2008-2009, 2010-2013; Past Chair in 1999, Chair in 1998, Chair-Elect in 1997, Program Chair in 1994-5; Chicago Chapter Board of Directors, 1975-76
Bernoulli Society
Classification Society (formerly CSNA) Secy/Treas, 1997 - 2013 ; Finance Committee, 1992-6; Board of Directors, 1993-5
IEEE Computer Society
Institute of Mathematical Statistics
INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (elected Full Member)
Mathematical Association of America
Society of the Sigma Xi