Canan Uckun-Adelman
Clinical Associate Professor
Department of Information and Decision Sciences
Building & Room:
UH 2405
601 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60607
- Argonne National Laboratory, STA - Engineering Systems Modeling, 2015 - present
- Argonne National Laboratory, Postdoctoral Researcher, 2012 - 2015
Classes Taught
- IDS 532 Introduction to Operations Management
- IDS 371 Business Statistics II
Research Interests
- Optimization of energy systems
- Sustainability and renewable energy
- Energy storage
Selected Publications
“Dynamic Electricity Pricing to Smart Homes,” D. Adelman, C. Uckun, Operations Research, 67(6), pp. 1520-1542, 2019.
“Energy Storage Arbitrage under Day-Ahead and Real-Time Price Uncertainty,” D. Krishnamurthy, C. Uckun, Z. Zhou, P. Thimmapuram and A. Botterud. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2017.
“Enhanced Representations of Lithium-ion Batteries in Power Systems Models and Their Effect on the Valuation of Energy Arbitrage Applications,” A. Sakti, K. G. Gallagher, N. Sepulveda, C. Uckun, C. Vergara, , F. J. Sisternes, D. W. Dees and A. Botterud. Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 342, pp. 279-291, 2017.
“Flexible Operation of Batteries in Power System Scheduling with Renewable Energy,” N. Li, C. Uckun, E. Constantinescu, J. Birge, K. W. Hedman and A. Botterud. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 7(2), pp. 685-696, 2015.
“An Improved Stochastic Unit Commitment Formulation to Accommodate Wind Uncertainty,” C. Uckun, A. Botterud and J. Birge. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 31(4), pp. 2507-2517, 2015.
“Patterns of Electric Vehicle Charging with Time of Use Rates: Case studies in California and Portland,” M. Biviji, C. Uckun, G. Bassett, J. Wang, and D. Ton. IEEE Power and Energy Society, Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference 2014.
“Investment in Improved Inventory Accuracy in a Decentralized Supply Chain,” C. Uckun, F. Karaesmen, and S. Savas. International Journal of Production Economics, 113(2), pp. 546-566, 2008.
Notable Honors
2010 - 2011, Eugene F. Fama Ph.D. Fellowship, University of Chicago
2010, TA Award for Exceptional Service to the EMBA Program (Singapore, London), University of Chicago
2009 - 2010, Katherine Dusak Miller Fellowship, University of Chicago
2004 - 2006, Vehbi Koc Scholarship, Koc University
PhD in Management Science/Operations Management, University of Chicago, Booth School of Business
Master of Business Administration, University of Chicago, Booth School of Business.
Master of Science in Industrial Engineering, Koc University, Istanbul.
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Marmara University, Istanbul.