Department seminar series

Leading scholars in areas related to strategic management, human resource management, and entrepreneurship bring their latest research to faculty, staff, and students. Seminars are usually held on Fridays in 2250 UH. Times can vary.

Upcoming Seminars Heading link

Spring 2025

February 21
Smriti Anand, Professor of Management
Stuart School of Business, Illinois Institute of Technology
Topic: “Understanding i-deals through the social ledger lens: The role of trust and hindrance networks”

April 4
Gerry McNamara, John H. McConnell Professor of Management
Broad College of Business, Michigan State University
Topic: TBA

Past Seminars Heading link

Fall 2024

November 7
Cynthia Wang, Clinical Professor of Management & Organizations
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
Topic: “Novel Perspectives on Perspective-Taking”

Oct 2
Gordon Cheung, Professor of Management and International Business
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Topic: “Workshop: Reliability, Convergent and Discriminant validity of measurement scales”

Oct 2
Gordon Cheung, Professor of Management and International Business
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Topic: “Workshop: Measurement Equivalence/Invariance and comparison of latent means”

Oct 3
Gordon Cheung, Professor of Management and International Business
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Topic: “Workshop: Testing 3-way interactions”

Oct 3
Gordon Cheung, Professor of Management and International Business
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Topic: “Workshop: Latent Growth Model and Cross-Lagged Panel Model for longitudinal data”

Spring 2024

February 9
Ningzi Li, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Organizations and Strategy
Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago
Topic: “CEO language and stakeholder attention: The impact of ambiguity”

March 15
Zeki Simsek, Gressette Endowed Chair of Business Strategy and Planning=
Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business, Clemson University
Topic: “CEO language and stakeholder attention: The impact of ambiguity”

April 4
Joanna Campbell, Professor and Department Head, Management
Carl H. Lindner College of Business, University of Cincinnati
Topic: “CEO language and stakeholder attention: The impact of ambiguity”

Fall 2023

October 13
Songqi Liu, Professor, Department of Management
Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University
Topic: “A Mother’s Leadership Legacy: Examining the Mother-to-child Crossover of Leadership Role Occupancy”

November 30
Heather Vough, Associate Professor, Management
Costello College of Business, George Mason University
Topic: “Vicarious Identity Threats in the Workplace and their Effects”

November 1
Gordon Cheung, Professor of Management and International Business
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Topic: “Workshop: Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling with Mplus”

November 1
Gordon Cheung, Professor of Management and International Business
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Topic: “Workshop: Evaluating Reliability, Convergent Validity and Discriminant Validity in Organizational Empirical Studies”

November 2
Gordon Cheung, Professor of Management and International Business
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Topic: “Workshop: Introduction to Measurement Equivalence/Invariance ”

November 2
Gordon Cheung, Professor of Management and International Business
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Topic: “Workshop: Examining Moderation and Moderated Mediation with SEM”

November 3
Gordon Cheung, Professor of Management and International Business
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Topic: “Workshop: Multi-level Analysis with Daily Diary/Experience Sampling Data using SEM”

Spring 2023

April 18
Niranjan Janardhanan, Assistant Professor of Management
London School of Economics & Political Science
Topic: “A Presentation on Emotional Validation”

Spring 2021

February 4
Christopher Barnes, Professor of Management
Foster School of Business, University of Washington
Topic: “Translating Research into Practice ”

February 19
Anthony Nyberg, J. Henry Fellers Professor of Management
Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina
Topic: “Best Practices in Responding to Reviewers During the R & R Process ”

April 9
Angelica Leigh, Associate Professor – Management & Organizations
The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
Topic: “Coffee Chat: Getting Through the AMR Review Process as a Ph.D. Student”

Fall 2020

November 13
Li Ning, Professor and Pioneer Research Fellow , Management
Henry B. Tippie College of Business, the University of Iowa
Topic: “On Fast Track to Recovery: A Social Network Perspective on Leader Network Change, Organizational Communication Pattern, and Business Growth in a Multiunit Enterprise During COVID-19”

November 20
Joel Koopman, T.J. Barlow Professor in Business Administration Presidential Impact Fellow
Mays Business School, Texas A&M University
Topic: “Being PC Depletes Me: A Three-Study Investigation of the Nomological Network of Political Correctness at Work “