Anthony Pagano
Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Supply-Chain Management and Logistics (CSML)
Department of Managerial Studies
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UH 2218
601 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60607
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- Director of the Center for Supply Chain Management and Logistics, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2006-present
- Associate Professor of Management, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1978-present
- Coordinator of the Transportation Management and Logistics Area, Department of Management, 1978-present
- Executive Director for the Metropolitan Transportation Association, 1991-2005
- Assistant Professor of Management, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1978-1984
- Adjunct Professor of Management and Strategy, J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, 1998-2005
Classes Taught
- Managerial Economics
- Production and Operations Management
- Transportation Economics and Management
- Supply Chain Management and Logistics
- Urban Transportation and Public Policy
- International Business
Research Interests
- Supply Chain Management and Logistics
- Urban/Rural Public Transportation Management, Planning, Programming and Budgeting
- Coordination, Economics, and Quality of Service in Paratransit Operations
Selected Grants
Santa Maria La Antigua University, Fulbright Scholar Grant, Grant Recipient
Selected Publications
- Pagano, Anthony M, “Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in Transportation: An Analysis of Alternatives.” Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, Vol 49, No. 2, Summer, 2010, pp. 77- 89.
- Pagano, Anthony M, (ed), Making the Chicago Region More Competitive in the Global Supply Chain: A Forum for the Region’s Business, Government and Freight Industry Leaders. UIC Center for Supply Chain Management and Logistics. Summary Proceedings, November, 2007.
- Pagano, Anthony M, and Metaxatos, Paul, “Organizational Structures for Brokerage of Paratransit Services” National Academy of Sciences, Transportation Research Board Transportation Research Record 1971: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2006, pp. 83 – 90.
Notable Honors
2012, Best Paper Award, International Association of Maritime Economists
2011, Herbert O. Whitten Service Award, Transportation Research Forum
1998, Research Grant Proposal Award, College of Business Administration, UIC
1999, Funded Research Grant Proposal Award, College of Business Administration, UIC
PhD Economics, The Pennsylvania State University, 1978
Master of Economics, The Pennsylvania State University, 1972
BA Economics, The Pennsylvania State University, 1968