Joseph Kim
Assistant Professor
Department of Managerial Studies
Building & Room:
UH 2223
601 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60607
CV Link:
Selected Publications
- Kim, J. K., Holtz, B.C., & Vogel, R. (2023). Wearing your worth at work: The consequences of employees’ daily clothing choices. Academy of Management Journal, 66, 1411-1437.
- Kim, J., Harold, C.M., & Holtz, B.C. (2022). Evaluations of abusive supervisors: The moderating role of the abuser’s gender. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 43, 465-482.
- Han, S., Harold, C. M., Kim, J. K., & Vogel, R. M. (2023). Perceived benefits and costs of empowerment: Conceptualization, measure development, and its impact on empowering leadership. Journal of Management, 49, 1246–1276.
- Han, S., Harold, C.M., Oh, I., Kim, J. K., & Agoli, A. (2022). A meta-analysis integrating 20 years of workplace incivility research: Antecedents, consequences, and boundary conditions. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 43, 497-523.
- Kim, J. K., Holtz, B.C., & Hu, B. (2020). Rising above: Investigating employee exemplification as a response to the experience of shame induced by abusive supervision. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 93, 861-886.
- Holtz, B.C., De-Cremer, D., Hu, B., Kim, J. K., & Giacalone, R. (2020). How certain can we really be that our boss is trustworthy and does it matter? A metacognitive perspective on employee evaluations of supervisor trustworthiness. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 41, 587-605.
- Greenbaum, R. L., Mawritz, M. B., Webster, B. D., Bonner, J., & Kim, J. K. (2018). Supervisor to employee expediency: The moderating role of leader-member exchange and the mediating role of employee unethical tolerance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39, 525-541.
Ph.D. in Human Resource Management & Organizational Behavior, Fox School of Business, Temple University (2021)
M.S. in Information and Industrial Engineering, Yonsei University (2013)
B.A. in Economics, Emory University (2010)