Thomas Lee
Associate Professor
Department of Information and Decision Sciences
Building & Room:
UH 2420
601 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60607
Office Phone:
Classes Taught
- Actuarial science
- Risk Management and Insurance
- Operations research applied statistics
- Computer performance evaluation and modeling
- Production and operations management
Research Interests
- Performance evaluation and capacity planning of computers
- Telecommunication systems, and production systems
- Queueing theory and stochastic modeling of manufacturing systems with a focus on dynamic control of production
- Supply Chain Risk Management
Selected Publications
- “A novel approach for analyzing single buffer queueing systems with state-dependent vacation and correlated input process under four different service discipline,” to appear International Journal of Opearations Research and Information System.
- “Performance Analysis Of Mobile Communication Networks,” International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences. Vol. 5, No. 1, 1-24, 2013.
- “Analysis Of State Dependent Vacation Queues With Threshold Gated Service Policy,” International Journal of Opearations Research and Information System Vol. 1, No. 2, 32-49, 2010.
- “Supply Chain Risk Management,” International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences Vol. 1, 98-114, 2008.
- “The Impact of Employee Variability on Customer Delay,” Computer and Operations Research Vol. 31, 359-381, 2004.
- “Analysis of Random Polling Systems With Infinite Coupled Servers and Correlated Input Process,” Computer and Operations Research, Vol. 30, 2003-2020, 2003.
- “Analysis of Infinite Servers Polling Systems With Correlated Input Process and State Dependent Vacations,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 115, 392-412, 1999.
- “Models For Design and Control of Single Server Polling Computer and Communication Systems,” Operations Research, Vol. 46, 515-531, 1998.
- “A Closed Form Solution for the Asymmetric Random Polling System With Correlated Levy Input Process,” Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 22, 432-457, 1997.
- “Exact Analysis of Asymmetric Random Polling Systems With Single Buffers and Correlated Levy Input Process,” (with Jan Sunjaya), Queueing Systems, Vol. 23, 131-156, 1996.
- “A Simple Apporoach for Analyzing Vacation Queues With Bernoulli Feedback of Customers,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 96, 299-316, 1996.
- “Managing Uncertainty in a Serial Production Line,” (with E.V. Denardo), Operations Research, Vol. 44, 382-392, 1996.
- “Pricing and Delivery-Time Performance in a Competitive Environment”, (with L. Li), Management Science, Vol. 40, 633-646, 1994.
- “Stability Analysis of Cyclical Schedule and Linear Lot Sizing Rule for a Production System”, International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 25, No. 12, 2361-2376, 1994.
- “Order Selection in a Single Machine with High Set-Up Cost,” (with B. Dietrich& Jon Lee), Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 43, 379-398, 1993.
- “A Spectral Method for Concordant Polyhedral Faces,” (with Jon Lee), Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 159, 11-41, 1991.
- “Inequalities for M and N_0-matrices,” Linear and Multilinear Algebra, Vol. 29, 149-154, 1991.
- “How Bad Can It Get? Bounding Worst Case Endemic Heterogeneous Mixing Models of HIV/AIDS,” (with E. Kaplan), Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 99, 157-180, 1990.
- “On the Sum of Two N_0-matrices,” Linear and Multilinear Algebra, Vol. 26, 215-221, 1990.
- “The spectrum of a Coxeter transformation, affine Coxeter transformations and the defect map,” (with S. Berman and R. Moody), Journal of Algebra, Vol. 121, 339-357, 1989.
- “Some remarks on Cartan matrices 2”, Algebra, Group and Geometries, Vol. 6, 37-48, 1989.
- “Some remarks on Cartan matrices”, Algebra, Group and Geometries, Vol. 4, 439-450, 1987.
Selected Articles from Conferences:
- “Managing Internet Access Services: Competition, Market Share and Profitability,” Proceedings of the 2000 Information Resources Management Association International Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, may, 2000.
- “The asymmetric random polling system with customers routing and correlated Levy input process: a closed form solution,” Proceedings of the first Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June, 2002.
- “Performance Evaluation of Periodically Nondeterministic Single Buffers Polling Systems for Mobile Communication Networks,” Proceedings of the Third Annual Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June, 2004.
- “Supply Chain Risk Management,” Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of The Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association,, Taipei, Taiwan, July, 2007.
- “Managing Supply Chain Disruption Risks,” Proceedings of the 11th International DSI and the 16th APDSI Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, July, 2011.
Technical Reports:
- “Managing Supply Chain Disruption Risks,” preprint.
- “Single Buffers Random Polling System with State-Dependent Input Process and Server Breakdowns/Repairs,” preprint.
Member of the Editorial Board:
- International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies
- International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector
- International Journal of Information & Decision Sciences
Notable Honors
1996, Nominee, Silver Circle Award for Excellence in Teaching, UIC
PhD, Yale University, 1991